St. John's Christian Church

The Church on the Corner whose Cornerstone is Christ

Middle School Programs

JYF (Junior Youth Fellowship):

Sixth thru Eighth Grade

Wednedays 7:00 - 8:00pm | Sept. - May

Junior Youth Fellowship is designed for middle-schoolers to further embrace their personal relationship with Jesus Christ all while learning the importance of Christian fellowship. Wednesday evening gathering times include an interactive lesson, fun game and/or activity, and, of course, SNACKS! 


We wrap up each program year with the annual dodgeball game against SYF students - a yearly favorite competition! 


JYF participants are invited to join with the LOGOS meal around 5:50 p.m. or join right at 6:45 p.m. for the start of JYF. 

Confirmation: Sixth thru Eighth Grade

Wednesdays 6:00 - 7:00pm | Sept. - May

Confirmation is a three-year program that guides middle school youth in exploring the Bible, the Christian Church, and the Christian faith.


Goals of the program include:

  • Equipping youth to live a Christian life 
  • Preparing youth to confirm the baptismal vows made by their parents or themselves
  • Preparing youth to become active members of St. John's Christian Church.


Classes are taught by Pastor Erich Christman in the second-floor Confirmation Room before JYF activities begin on Wednesday evenings. The hour will begin with a light meal together.


Middle School Sunday School:

Sixth thru Eighth Grade

Sundays 9:15 - 10:15am | Sept. - May

We will be rolling out information for this new Sunday School class in the coming weeks!